Monday, February 16, 2009

the dilemma of change and relationships

today morning despite being a complete waste of my time....actually gave way to a pretty interesting discussion....that may have life changing implications.....ooooo....ahhhh

change and relationships

i was watching a movie the other day....equilibrium....its was about how the world had to suppress emotion through a drug called prozium....cause people could n be trusted with their they led to violence and hate....which eventually destroyed the world.

there were also these other people who refused to take the drug...known as "sense offenders".. .the disagreement then sparked the revolt under which most of this movie revolved around...according to the sense offenders....getting rid of emotions..though solving a major problem.... also meant getting rid of a lot of other things such as all such emotions that made them human....and individuals in their own right.

but what struck me was what one of the main characters said....

"in order for others to enjoy the privilege of emotion....there are a few of us who have to give it up"

and this sent me on a whole new line of thought....

as a person...a citizen of earth...i have never really been content about the way things were going....wars, poverty....all stemming from an educational system....that requires some serious revamping.

which i intend to do something about...cause it must be done...and no one seems stepping up to do anything about it.

it is a known fact that those in power rarely have many rewarding relationships with the people around them...none of the greats have ever mentioned their loving family life....even Gandhi was never a real father to his own son....and i guess that's why the prospect of changing the world is so neglected....cause it calls for someone to take up a higher self.....who has the courage and the foresight to do what is required...when it is required....and in the process make some immense sacrifices for the benefit of tomorrow.....forgoing your own personal happiness.

....and i know....if i am to go the path i want to......there are going to be some really hard sacrifices that i would have to make....through the people i might family or....friends...and so on.

the other to be completely involved with self fulfillment....and enlightenment.....which means forgoing the world itself in return for universal understanding...and eternal happiness.

the middle the path most chosen....a balance between the two...which never really reaches anywhere....but is a balance between the two....where attributes of the extremes meet....working and pulling in opposite directions....till it eventually levels off in the middle.. could forgo some of your own happiness for your children s benefit.....but at the same time are able to create and nurture well as have time to get back to your self.

history however remembers those who are brave enough to venture to either one of the extremes.

do i want fulfilling i want to change the world .....yes.....can i have both....?i dont think you could...but....that is the essence of this dilemma.

i is human nature to want it all....but something is only as valuable as the sacrifices made in attaining it....something that is easy to attain looses its value....and is plain and with that in mind i want you to consider a terms of its value.

how could you measure the value of a mans life....

i say

"the life of a man is measured by all those who've measured their lives by his".

so what path will i take....?....will i be like the sun? burn and fade away?....or will i be like the red giants....that burn only for a short while but are forever remembered as they go out in a super nova....paving the way for new creation....

kurt cobain the lead singer of nirvana once said...."it is better to burn out....than to fade away"

maybe theres some truth in that....but is it worth the cost? be remembered as a legend among those whove never known you personally....or a hero in the eyes of the few who really matter to you? change the make it a better place for everyone?or leave the world to its own devices...tolerating its excuses?

if you could change the world.....if you really knew how......would you leave the thought behind....hoping that the next person....would eventually figure it out and do it?

could you take that chance?

could you sleep at night.....knowing that you could have changed this world....and yet stood idle and watched it burn?

history answers that question....we are agents of our own destruction....and we are completely oblivious to it....until it starts affecting us adversely.Only in hindsight do we see the error of our ways....we are not rational creatures....we are rationalising creatures....we analyse events after they happen....rather than before they happen.

only a handful.....have done everything for a better tommorow....which we take for granted.

i dont know what the future brings.....but i do know now.......that when i go like to go the giants that changed the course of history....and made my world a better place.


  1. If only words were really enough to say how beautiful this truly is and I am yet to come across something so thought provoking, so real and a touch of reality to it....

    Dont stop the good work....For I secretly wait for you to write more.....

    Good luck

  2. thank you....i truly appreciate your kind words.
